Organic Chemistry I

Title Time Location Syllabus Instructor
Organic Chemistry I - One section offered
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:45am - 8:35am
PDF icon chem_331_1_li_s23.pdf

3(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Prereq: CHEM 178 or CHEM 201, enrollment in CHEM 331L highly recommended
The first half of a two semester sequence. Modern organic chemistry including nomenclature, synthesis, structure and bonding, reaction mechanisms. For students majoring in physical and biological sciences, premedical and pre-veterinary curricula, chemistry and biochemistry. Students desiring only one semester of organic chemistry should take 231 and 231L, not 331. Only one of Chem 231 and 331 may count toward graduation.


SPRING 2021:  Online lectures and in-class exams